first of all a big muacks muacks to my friends out there....thanks for the wishes...oh yea..not to forget..thanks emo's mr 9k for the it..and a big hug to pikyee for getting us the fire crackers n coming all the way up to cherating ..i have the best birthday ever.....thanks to my babes n u guys loads....last gals and i went to cherating...i have no idea this was goin to be a surprise party and it was way out of my expectation(cuz they don't used to be this creative).....i burst into tears like a crying baby...mind me...i used to do that very often....well..back to our trip...during night comes the surprise..i was blind folded(wif pikyee's huge hands)..they brought me to the beach.. once i opened my eyes i saw a love shape surrounded with candles n fire crackers..i was i dreaming? my eyes was shedded wif tears...their hands and legs and outfit were full wif sands since they were digging the holes with their bare hands....*sob sob* sweet of them....and they told me that the freaking strong wind blew off the candles for so many times..they were so upset since they have planned this one month earlier...thanks for everything babes..appreciate every single thing u guys have means lots to u guys..can't wait for the next just finished my dinner with my papa n mama at east grill....and another big muacks to my aunties n cousins....thanks for the angpows n cakes....before i ended my post...heres some pics erm...not some quite many pichas to share wif u guys...thats all till then.... flooded with picturesssssssssssssssssss flooded with picturesssssssssssssssssss

driver of the day

now can u see the difference when u take off n put on the glasses...

sexy stephy..thanks for driving back and forth for the celebration....

we were doin erm...water yoga?

cameragal of the day....

vievian applying sunscreen on me..sweetnya....

stephy n i

they said i look like when i was 12

ended up wif a nice one...

wondering where the white light came from?
chill a lil wif some drinks

aint gonna show u guys too many of our drunk ass pics
before checking out
act there's more pics...but i have to avoid u guys from getting eye sore..thats all k...
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